Friday, May 22, 2009


I'm home! I'm home! I'm home! It's beautiful!

But just in case you darling blog readers keep clicking on my blog, I thought I'd give you a quick post-return update, TIME-Magazine-Week-by-the-Numbers-style.  

12 number of girls I lived with

12 gajillion number of shoes of girls I lived with
579% amount my possessions multiplied while I was in Austria, as it seemed during packing

0% amount of clothes that escaped the wrath of our violent washer unscathed, unfaded, or un-dingied

0% amount I want to see the clothes I wore all semester EVER AGAIN

10 number of countries these shoes have been to
17 number of cities they have been to

2 number of stamps my passport got.  Seriously?  

3 TU friends I got to see across the ocean

130 number of days I survived without barbecue, Thai food, or Freckles

14.5 number of jars of Nutella we devoured in one semester to make up for it (9 regular, 5 big, 0.5 little)

6300 number of grams of Nutella that 14.5 jars hold (not kidding)
not telling number of pounds we have gained due to said Nutella consumption, kebaps, beers, bakeries on every corner, Wurstel stands, etc.

1,000,000 number of hours it took me to get home, I am pretty sure

8 number of giant bear hugs I got at the airport from beautiful friends

17 number of people I proooomise I will call next week.  Promise! 

100% amount I am sure I will be back :)


  1. YAYYYYYY!!!! I wish I could be in T-Town to celebrate with you!!!!!

  2. Blueberry pancakes. That's all I have to say about that.
