Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Socially Responsible Blogging

Why hello there, friends and family. Last night, I experienced Barack Obama's inauguration from abroad! It was very interesting! Pro-American sentiment seems to be on the rise with this new change in leadership! I wonder if the new President can live up to the high expectations Europeans have for him!


Now that I've fulfilled my requirement as a young responsible American voter abroad, I would like to tell you the rest of the story. Not only was I in Vienna when I watched Obama take the oath of office, I was actually on a OBAMAMANIA PARTY BOAT in the Danube when I watched such an event. An Obamamania Party Boat full of American hippies. Who were, generally, rather drunk. (On a school night!) And eager to dance. And sing. And shout creative variations on "Obamaaaaaaa!" and "Yes we CAN!" sporadically throughout the night.

I was obviously right at home.

And just when I thought things couldn't get any better, this singer from Oklahoma (!) takes the stage and starts clapping his hands to the beat. I casually FREAKED OUT when I realized that he was about to perform Michael Jackson's "Man in the Mirror," which, as some of you may know, can be accurately described as my jam. Needless to say, the frenzied joy that followed was made manifest in a giant boat-wide sing-along/dance-party-palooza.

The following video is cinematically mediocre at best, but it's hard to film with a steady hand when you are bursting with pure, unbridled bliss.


  1. TOTALLY your jam. ps i like that through all the darkness and bumpy filming, we suddenly get a very clear shot of a bottle of beer. hahaha

  2. Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes I couldn't be happier. I'm glad there was a video to show us the awesomeness. Also, I believe I caught a glimpse of MIKESTEICH.

    "How do you know this song?!?!?!"


  4. ditto what Lauren said! This is amazing I got ridiculously excited when I heard Man in the Mirror in a restaurant in Venice, yours is way cooler!
