The past few weeks have been kind of like a big treasure hunt in Vienna. Now that I'm used to the city and I don't have to walk around with my mouth hanging open and my neck craned so I can see all the beautiful buildings and fancy statues, I've been finding all sorts of wonderful little surprises. A few of my favorites:
Enjoying the fact that I no longer have to bundle up like an Eskimo to leave the house, one morning I took a long long walk around my neighborhood. I found all these cute little storefronts and apartments... here's one of my favorites:

To be completely honest, this next one isn't so much a "find" as a... um, "borrow." There are all these signs posted around Vienna advertising the Beyonce concert that was last weekend. (Somehow I couldn't manage to scrounge up the ONE HUNDRED FORTY SEVEN EUROS for a ticket.) I coveted the lovely fluorescent signs for weeks. Then, one morning as I walked to school, I saw one flopping around helplessly from the post... so with a surreptitious look around me and a quick yank, I saved it from its misery and stuffed it in my bag. Now it proudly decorates my wall:

Then, one day on my way to my internship, I took a different tram than usual, and ran across this gem:

Here's my favorite one. One night we had searched out a new place to dance but had been pretty unsuccessful. Empty dance floors, bad music, creepy creepers, the works. So we were on our way to the gelato stand (where else?) to cheer ourselves up when we came across this little guy on the ground!

I'm in love, I'm in love, and I don't care who knows it!
you're silly